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Political Violence

One of the original war and terror syndicates with vast experience and expertise.

Why Choose Talbot for Political Violence?

Talbot’s Political Violence team is AIG’s centre of excellence. We combine Talbot’s expertise and unparalleled experience of Lloyd’s, with AIG’s ability to issue admitted policies as part of Global multinational placements. AIGs extensive global network provides further global reach to our distribution.

The Talbot Advantage

Talbot Political Violence Solutions

Terrorism is an ever-present threat that can be difficult to predict and quantify. With losses, costs or damages incurred as a result of terrorist activity typically excluded from a standard commercial insurance policy, an act of terrorism can have a significant impact on a business’ bottom line.


Designed to protect against both direct physical damage and resultant business interruption ensuing from a politically, religiously or ideologically motivated violent act, this product provides market-leading cover worldwide and responds to globally nuanced risks.


The syndicate is a market-leader for sabotage and terrorism insurance globally, having been one of the first syndicates to provide terrorism coverage in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Our sabotage and terrorism product can be tailored in accordance with the needs of each client.



Talbot AIG has the capacity to provide up to $175 million in cover.

Significantly, our policy will provide compensation for both US Treasury certified and non-certified acts of terrorism to provide total assurance to our clients and their businesses.




Both certified and non-certified acts of terrorism (US- only)

Cover triggers apply regardless of whether the Secretary of the Treasury has certified the act as an act of terrorism.

Property damage

Cover resulting if the insured locations are damaged.

Business interruption

Cover as a result of physical damage and resultant loss of profit if an act of terrorism prevents ‘business as usual’ activity.


Defence costs and claims expenses included within coverage.

Clear and comprehensive wording

A clear wording which details exactly what is covered and excluded and that clearly defines triggers for cover.

Tried and tested claims experience

Talbot AIG has a dedicated claims team which has dealt with many complex and high-profile claims and paid significant sums to our clients over the years.

In the US, there is no need to wait for an act of terrorism to be certified, we can respond quickly and efficiently to help our clients get back to business.

Talbot AIG’s malicious assailant cover is designed to deliver assurance and help organisations ensure they have plans in place should an incident involving an armed individual or group occur. Our specialist team can offer tailored packages for organisations of all sizes and across all sectors.


Recent firearm and vehicle attacks in the US have brought malicious assailant events to the forefront for both business and public sector risk managers. This has led to an increased drive to mitigate against the potential losses stemming from such an incident. Our malicious assailant product provides affirmative cover designed to fill the gap left by conventional terrorism policies and provides comprehensive coverage against the vast number of ways losses can be incurred.



Talbot AIG has the capacity to provide up to $75 million in cover. 




Broad-ranging cover

Cover adapts to the nature of the activity covering a range of circumstances and a wide definition of weapons, including fire arms and vehicles.

Wide definition of malicious assailant

Policy triggers are not restricted to acts of terror carried out on the grounds of religious, political or ideological beliefs as they are in a conventional terrorism product.

Variety of business occupancies covered

Cover available to a range of occupancies including; schools, universities, municipalities, shopping centres, offices, hospitality and tourist attractions.

Property damage         


Cover resulting if the business premises are damaged.

Business interruption   


Cover for loss of profit in the event that a malicious assailant interrupts normal operations – physical damage to premises not required for policy to trigger.

Denial of access

Cover is provided in the event that an authority deems operations must cease either wholly or partially, extending to attacks 500 metres from an insured location.

Clear and comprehensive wording

A clear wording which details exactly what is covered and excluded and that clearly defines triggers for cover.

Talbot AIG provides worldwide cover for SRCC. We can offer protection against property damage and business interruption losses sustained during a committed action by a group of people to disturb the public peace for political purposes or motivations.


Previous events to have triggered SRCC policies include:

  • Arab Spring (2010) a series of anti-government protests, uprisings and armed rebellions that spread across North Africa and the Middle East resulting in significant property damage and business interruption.
  • Riots in Thailand (2013-2014) during a period of political instability resulted in anti-government protests which lead to extensive property damage and business interruption.
  • Riots in Mexico (January 2017) following a rise in fuel prices, resulting in looting, property damage, and business interruption.
  • Riots in Haiti (March 2018) during which a hotel was targeted by local civilians resulting in significant property damage



Talbot AIG has the capacity to provide up to $175 million in cover.




Physical damage

Damage to business property as a result of strike or riot action caused by civilian protest.

Business interruption

Cover for loss of income resulting from strikes, riots or civil commotion.

Extra expense

Cover for additional costs in excess of normal operating expenses that are incurred to continue operations while property is repaired or replaced.

Denial of access

Cover is provided in the event that an authority deems that operations must cease either wholly or partially. 

Clear and comprehensive wording

A clear wording which details exactly what is covered and excluded and that clearly defines triggers for cover.

Denial of access insurance provides cover for costs associated with business interruption following an authority’s decision to shut down a building, location or area after an act of terrorism or civil unrest.

This can arise as a result of police, governmental or military action. Whilst property damage following an event may be minimal, the potential business interruption which can arise while authorities contain events and conduct investigations may be extensive. This can result in significant financial implications for local businesses.


The 2017 London Bridge terror attack, for example, caused heavy disruption for businesses in the local area. Following the event, police cordoned off the Borough Market area for a week, resulting in significant loss of revenue for restaurants and bars in the vicinity.



Talbot AIG has the capacity to provide up to $75 million in cover, including:

  • Sabotage and terrorism
  • Strikes, riots and civil commotion

Denial of access cover can be purchased as a standalone product or as part of a wider sabotage and terrorism policy.




No direct physical damage required

Trigger levels can be defined according to business priorities and tailored to include incidents in a set vicinity to the insured location.

Business interruption

Cover for loss of profit in the event that an incident in the vicinity of a business interrupts normal operations.

Bespoke policy tailoring

Cover can be set to respond to events that occur in a specified radius of the business or at agreed locations. Cover can be tailored to trigger at a bespoke level of profit reduction or after a certain duration.


Cover provided for expenses incurred in the management of business interruption following an event.

Tailored triggers

The agreed level of losses can be covered either for a set period of time or until profit levels return to the trigger level, dependent on the business needs.

Clear and comprehensive wording

A clear wording which details exactly what is covered and excluded and that clearly defines triggers for cover.

A terrorist or malicious event within the locality of a business may often result in reduction in footfall or custom, potentially impacting both revenue and reputation.


Loss of attraction products are designed to respond when no actual physical damage occurs at an insured location: rather, an event that results in physical damage or bodily injury occurs within a pre-defined radius of the insured business, or at a previously identified location that could impact trade. Forensic accountants would then be consulted to determine the extent of the financial loss and the calculable downturn in revenue.


Loss of attraction addresses potential longer-term financial consequences due to a drop in footfall or custom. In the three months following the November 2015 Paris attacks and March 2016 Brussels attack, hotel reservations were down 22% and 17% respectively on the previous year, representing a significant income shortfall for hospitality providers.


Another possible scenario could involve a terrorist attack occurring at an airport, causing a reduction in bookings at local hotels or tourism hotspots. In this instance, customers are either prevented from staying at local hotels or are forced to cancel their holiday. The consequences of this unexpected loss of revenue can severely impact businesses.


Recent scenarios affecting tourism

  • Paris Attacks (2015)
  • Brussels Bombings (2016)
  • Barcelona Las Ramblas Attack (2017)
  • Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting (2017)
  • London Bridge Attack (2017)



Talbot AIG has the capacity to provide up to $75 million in cover, including: 

  • Perils including sabotage and terrorism, strikes, riots and civil commotion, malicious attacks and political violence.
  • Indemnity for net profit loss, extra expense and crisis management where, as a direct result, the insured suffers a loss of attraction.
  • Options include setting a trigger based on a set radius of an attack near an insured location, and/or, specific locations that may have a direct relationship to an insured location’s custom.




No direct physical damage required

Trigger levels can be defined according to business priorities and tailored to include either terrorist attacks in a set vicinity to the insured location, or at significant locations that can be shown to have a direct link to potential footfall at the insured location.

Business interruption

Cover for loss of profit in the event of a terrorist attack in the vicinity of a business interrupts normal operations. Traditional products respond to the direct impact of business interruption whereas Loss of Attraction deals with the longer-term effects of diminished revenue with the parameters established for each client’s specific needs.

Bespoke limits

Cover can be tailored to respond at a bespoke level of profit reduction.

Extra expense and crisis management costs

Cover provided for expenses incurred in the management and mitigation of business interruption.

Tailored triggers

Losses can be covered either for a set period of time or until profit levels return to the trigger level, dependent on the business needs.

Clear and comprehensive wording

A clear wording which details exactly what is covered and excluded and that clearly defines triggers for cover

The Talbot AIG NBCR product has been designed to respond to the multitude of threats posed by opportunistic use of nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological agents.


It was the first in the market to include third party liability cover, as well as cover for property damage and business interruption.


NBCR perils are considered to have significant ‘footprints’ in respect of the damage and disruption an attack could cause, especially in built-up, metropolitan areas. Research conducted by blast modelling experts has shown NBCR materials have the potential to spread significant distances:


Potential terrorist devices

Potential contamination distance from point of attack

10kt improvised nuclear device


15kg Sarin gas device dispersal




Through the Talbot-led NBCR consortium we have the capacity to provide up to $50 million in cover, including:

  • Property damage
  • Business interruption
  • Third party liability
  •  Costs of decontamination / clean up




Covers multiple perils

In addition to NBCR terrorism, the policy covers NBCR malicious damage and NBCR strikes.

Property damage

Cover resulting from the blast from a NBCR attack.

Business interruption

Cover as a result of physical damage and contamination from an NBCR attack.

Third party liability

Cover for the liability imposed upon a client in respect of bodily injury and property damage.

Decontamination/clean-up costs

To reimburse the costs of contamination and clean-up of insured property.

Denial of access

Cover for losses resulting from clients being prevented by authorities from accessing their assets following an NBCR attack.

Clear and comprehensive wording

A clear wording which details exactly what is covered and excluded and that clearly defines triggers for cover.

Talbot AIG’s political violence product was designed to enable clients to manage the risk posed by the potential outbreak of war – international or civil. Policies are designed to offer a solution that is highly-specialised and tailored to respond to the priorities of the specific organisation.


Against the backdrop of an increasingly unpredictable global political stage, political violence is an ever-present risk. Political violence cover would be triggered in the event of an incident such as civil war or international war breaking out. This could have significant impact on an entire country’s economy and require companies operating there to weigh up significant risks both to personnel and property.



Political violence cover encapsulates all perils from war, both international and civil, through to rebellion, coup d’etat or revolution.

Talbot AIG has the capacity to provide up to $50million in cover.




Property damage

Cover resulting if the business premises are damaged.

Business interruption

Cover for loss of profit in the event that political violence prevents ‘business as usual’ or interrupts normal operations.

Clear and comprehensive wording

A clear wording which details exactly what is covered and excluded and that clearly defines triggers for cover.

Sabotage and terrorism combined liability provides cover for the insured’s liabilities to third parties and employees where damages are sought for property damage or bodily injury following an insured event. Terrorism liability can be offered on a standalone basis or purchased alongside property damage and business interruption policies.



Sabotage and terrorism combined liability cover is available up to $175 million, including cover for:

  • Damages for bodily injury
  • Third party property damage
  • Defence costs
  • Claims expenses

Security Risk Response and Resilience (SRRR) offers a global, holistic and complete security solution, combining Talbot’s Political Violence insurance expertise with AIG’s Crisis Solution capabilities. 

SRRR provides both Property, Business Interruption and Liability cover - for Political Violence, Malicious Assailant and Strikes, Terrorism and Riots and Civil Commotion - alongside an elite crisis consultancy response. Further supported by leading crisis, security and trauma specialists, SRRR supports clients before, during and after an incident, enabling businesses to move into a recovery phase.


Product Details

SRRR is a group collaboration and is sold on both Talbot paper and AIG paper, bringing together the distribution networks and market leadership across both classes of business.

Malicious Assailant

Malicious Assailant cover responds to incidents involving the use of a lethal weapon by a lone actor or group of actors with the express intent to cause harm to others. Our Malicious Assailant product provides affirmative cover, closing the gap left by conventional terrorism policies, Casualty, workers compensation and other associated insurances – providing comprehensive coverage against the many ways in which losses can be incurred.

Cover headlines

  • Property Damage
  • Business Interruption
  • Legal Liability
  • Broad cover
  • Wide “Malicious Assailant” definition
  • Death and Disability benefit
  • Critical care services
  • Additional expenses

Political Violence

Political Violence cover encapsulates all perils from war, both international and civil, through to rebellion, coup d’etat or revolution, as well as strikes, riots, civil commotion, malicious damage and terrorism and sabotage. Our highly specialised and tailored policies are designed to respond to the organisation’s specific priorities. Political Violence presents the full scope of perils to ensure there are no gaps in cover.

Cover headlines

  • Property Damage
  • Business Interruption
  • Clear, comprehensive and bespoke wording

Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotion

Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotion cover protects organisations against property damage and business interruption losses caused by committed actions by a group of people to disturb the public peace for political purposes or motivations.

Cover headlines

  • Property Damage
  • Business Interruption

Sabotage and Terrorism

Talbot is a market leading Sabotage and Terrorism insurer, one of the first to provide coverage in the wake of 9/11 and handling many complex and high-profile claims ever since. Our worldwide coverage protects against direct physical damage and business interruption from politically, religiously or ideologically motivated violent acts. The losses caused by these constant, unpredictable and hard to quantify threats can have significant impacts on a business’ bottom line and are often excluded from standard commercial insurance policies.

Cover headlines

  • Covers all terrorist acts
  • Property Damage
  • Legal Liability
  • Business interruption
  • Expenses, defence costs
  • Death and Disability
  • Critical care services
  • Additional expenses

Talbot AIG provides terrorism threat insurance, covering businesses against loss of income through interruption without the need for there to have been physical damage as a trigger. This means that broader malicious acts, intended by terrorists to use fear to disrupt business, are covered in addition to direct sabotage and physical acts of terrorism. This could include acts such as threats of terrorist action or bomb hoaxes.


Whether real or a hoax, the threat of a terrorist attack can result in substantial business interruption and a subsequent loss of income. Terrorism threat insurance can be tailored to the individual needs of each client, providing peace of mind and mitigating the impact should a business be required to evacuate or lock-down as a result of a terrorist threat.



Talbot AIG has the capacity to provide up to $75 million in cover.




Net profit loss

Indemnity for net profit loss, where as a direct result of a threat the insured suffers financial loss.


No direct physical damage required

Trigger levels can be tailored to account for denial of access, for example.

Business interruption

Cover for loss of profit in the event that a malicious act interrupts normal operations.

Clear and comprehensive wording

A clear wording which details exactly what is covered and excluded and that clearly defines triggers for cover.

  • Sabotage and terrorism
  • Strikes, Riot and Civil Commotion
  • War on Land 
  • NCBR
  • Threat
  • Malicious Assailant

Our Political Violence Leadership Team

View contact information for Talbot Political Violence leaders.